Feel Beautiful, Confident and Glamorous this Valentines
Time for a Valentines Day Spray Tan
It feels like it’s been a long cold wet PALE winter, which is never ending.
Summer seems like such a long way off. January is nearly done, thank god, the Xmas hangover is away and its time to look forward to getting out again.
Valentines is coming up & with it the release of 50 shades of Grey.......mmmmm
Red roses, chocolates in heart shaped boxes and candlelit meals are three key parts of a traditional Valentine’s Day. Billed as the most romantic day of the year, February 14th is a time when everyone should feel beautiful, confident and glamorous.
Take time out to treat yourself to a fake tan.
Let’s be honest, it’s a day for the girls. Tell me, does any guy actually look forward to Valentines?
No. but who cares, not me, it’s time to guilt trip the Boyfriend/Hubby/Partner into treating us on that 1 day, & don’t we deserve it. HELL YEAH!
If you’re going to spend the evening out with your partner, a luscious spray tan will ensure that your skin looks radiant and bronzed all night through, it looks amazing and give you a boost of confidence.
He doesn’t want chocolates, or flowers or cards, but I bet he would be thankful when you rock the sexy sun-kissed look, you could even get him to pay for it with the enticement that it’s for him…….
Or do you have a night booked at the cinema with Mr Grey & the girls, then why not just treat yourself.
Book your spray tan a few days before to allow your colour (see products) to develop before Valentine’s Day hits on the weekend.
As always feel free to contact me any way with any questions or queries.
Angela @ Beautyrokz x
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